本所陳玲玉律師勤作公益 協助失依長者及弱勢學童

Lindy Chen Assists Needy Elderly People and Disadvantaged Young Students


With their passion for charity, Lindy Chen, senior partner at Baker McKenzie Taipei, and her spouse, Mr. Steven Hung, serve to promote the welfare of disadvantaged groups individually as supervisor at the Association to Promote Happiness in Learning (APHL) and director at Love for All Charity (LFA Charity) despite their busy schedules.


APHL is a charity organization founded by the famous director Mr. Wu Nien-Jen and other volunteers through crowdfunding. APHL aims to help disadvantaged students in remote areas by setting up "secret bases" to offer them free suppers, private tutoring, and various courses. Up to the first half of 2018, more than 100 "secret bases" have been established, providing aid to more than 3,000 children.


At the beginning, LFA Charity was founded to accommodate elderly people who were not being taken care of. It has now evolved into a well-organized care-taking institute for elderly people. This year, LFA Charity initiated "Programs to Prevent and Ease Physical Disability / Dementia and to Enhance Caring Service." The programs contain courses for painting, handcrafts, music, aerobic exercises, and dancing, all of which are intended to improve the energy and muscle strength of elderly people. These programs also contribute to enhance the elderly people’s ability to take care of themselves and to create fun in their lives.

