本所黃台芬律師主持「終止兒童受暴國際研討會」 號召更多有志之士援助在暴力陰影下的兒童

Tiffany Huang Hosted "End Violence Against Children Workshop" to Call for More Aid to Children under Violent Threats


Tiffany Huang, senior partner at Baker McKenzie Taipei, serves as chairwoman for World Vision Taiwan. This 28 and 29 March, she hosted the "End Violence Against Children Workshop" to promote social awareness in Taiwan about children under violent threats and how to protect them. By inviting the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the global participants from World Vision, and workers devoted to child protection to this event, a forum was created to discuss the status of and expectations for the current child protection initiatives. The event aimed to call for more participation in this field from the general public to ensure that children are free from violent threats and grow up well.

