- 集合講解活動內容,介紹台灣海域之海洋垃圾(包括季風海流、人為丟棄)
- 分配工具
- 淨灘
- 分類 (含塑膠(塑膠袋、杯等)、紙類(紙袋、鋁箔包、菸蒂)、保麗龍(免洗餐具、漁業用品)、金屬(鐵鋁罐、電池等)、玻璃、橡膠、布料與尼龍(衣服、漁網、漁線))
- 場地復原
- 工具清洗回收
- 經驗分享回饋
Beach Cleanup
A beach cleanup was conducted at Chaojing Park of the National Museum of Marine Science and Technology in Keelung on 10 November. The program provided a fun and healthy way to learn more about our oceans, coastlines and beaches. A total of 19.72 kgs of trash were removed, including 47 straws, 36 plastic caps, and 35 plastic bottles. Highlights of the event:
- Introduction of the program and Taiwan's marine debris, including domestic human-created waste and overseas litter carried to Taiwan by wind and ocean currents
- Distribution of cleanup gear
- Classification of trash: plastic (plastic bags, cups etc.), paper (paper bags, Tetra Paks, cigarette butts), Styrofoam (disposable dining utensils, fishing gear), metal (steel and aluminum cans, batteries etc.), glass, rubber, fabric and nylon (clothes, fishing nets, fishing lines)
- Site restoration
- Cleaning of cleanup gear
- Sharing of experiences