4月22日為每年的世界地球日,今年Baker McKenzie的官方主題訂為「生物多樣性」,由於氣候變化、棲息地喪失、生態污染等原因,使全球正面臨前所未有的破壞,進而使植物及野生動物都有滅絕危機。根據世界自然基金會2018地球生命力報告指出,過去40年來野生動物的數量下降了60%,許許多多的物種都面臨絕種威脅,生物多樣性也瀕臨崩潰。
為支持此全球性環境保護運動,本所於當日為同仁播放榮獲奧斯卡提名的紀錄片「維倫加」,該片拍攝地點為地球最具生物多樣性的地方之一 - 非洲剛果維倫加國家公園,其亦為世界僅存瀕危山地大猩猩的家園,影片聚焦於生物多樣性的主題,探討維倫加國家公園護林員對的保護工作及負責任/道德的商業行為以及法治問題。
Earth Day
Earth Day is held worldwide each year on 22 April. The official Baker McKenzie global theme of Earth Day 2019 is biodiversity. Due to climate change, habitat destruction, biological pollution etc., the world is facing unprecedented environmental breakdown, sparking wildlife crisis. According to WWF’s 2018 Living Planet Report, the world has seen an astonishing 60% decline in the size of fauna population in the last 40 years. Numerous species are threatened by extinction, leading to biodiversity decline.
In support of this global environmental movement, we were pleased to play our 2019 Earth Day film, the Academy-Award nominated documentary, Virunga, on Earth Day. Taking place in Virunga National Park, Congo, Africa, one of the most bio-diverse places on Earth and home to the planet’s last remaining mountain gorillas, the film has a clear biodiversity theme, and also draws audience’s attention to the importance of responsible/ethical business behavior, as well as the rule of law.
Louis Hsieh then explained the firm’s B-Green policy, which aims to reduce the impact of our operations on the environment. Our policy encompasses three major areas:
Paper-smart: using environment-friendly paper and ink, minimizing the use of paper
Travel: supporting video or virtual conferencing and online training, encouraging carpooling and use of public transport
Carbon smart: turning off the lights, HVAC and electronics when leaving a room, setting air conditioner temperature between 25 and 27 degrees Celsius and heater temperature at 19 degrees Celsius or below