
Baker McKenzie再次與公益組織「The Mekong Club」合作,進行另一項全球性的公益計畫:「童工」議題之分析。全球供應鏈中,若干短視近利的企業會企圖透過聘請童工以壓低生產製造成本。實則,聘請童工不僅對兒童造成危險,也提高企業職業安全風險,誠屬百害無一利。此計畫即旨在分析:聘請童工之法律規範及違法之影響進行分析歸納,期能進一步使全球企業遵循法令,消彌非法聘請童工之現象。目前研究之法域包含:澳洲、孟加拉、香港、日本、緬甸、中華人民共和國、越南、新加坡、印度、印尼,以及臺灣。本所已完成臺灣法域之盤點分析,刻正持續與The Mekong Club密切合作。

最後,特別感謝本所實習生Kristin Chang和律師孟憲安之貢獻!

Child Labor

Once again, Baker McKenzie collaborated with the NGO “The Mekong Club” to engage in another global pro bono project: An analysis on the issue of “Child Labor”. Among global supply chains, some short-sighted companies intend to cut manufacturing costs by exploiting child labor. However, exploiting child labor not only imposes danger on children, but also increases risks to occupational safety. In fact, no one benefits in such an exploitation. The goal of this project is to analyze and summarize the laws regarding child labor and the impact that such an exploitation would have, so that “The Mekong Club” can utilize the finding in this project to further convince global conglomerates to follow the laws and to eradicate illegal exploitation of child labor. The jurisdictions covered in this project include Australia, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Japan, Myanmar, People Republic of China, Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, India, Indonesia, and Taiwan. Our office has completed an analysis of the relevant regime of Taiwan and are still closely working with The Mekong Club.

Finally, let's extend a big thank you to Berg Chiu, Hsien-An Meng and student volunteer - Kristin Chang for their contributions to this project!

